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 How Do I Configure Login Settings?

The General Settings  - > Login tab is where Main Administrators can configure the settings for the login experience for their users. This includes the Welcome Text on the login page, self-registration settings, and lockout settings for failed logins.

What Does Each Setting on This Tab Do?

  • Number of login attempts before lockout - Set the number of failed login attempts a user can make before having their account locked.
  • Lockout period in minutes - This is the number of minutes the user will be locked out of their account before they can try logging in again.
  • Hide Student Log Out Button - This hides the Log Out button for students in the Student Interface.
  • Hide Administrators Log Out Button - This hides the Log Out button for admins in the Admin Interface.
  • Allow users to register themselves - This provides a Create Account button on the login page for users to create their own accounts. We highly suggest utilizing Registration Fields with Auto-assignment rules or Access Codes if you are utilizing this
  • Force required user fields. If a user logs in without a value in a required field, force them to fill it in upon login - If a Registration Field is set to "Required", then the user will be brought to their profile page on login to fill this field out, if it is not already filled in.
  • Track user logins (for reports) - This will track user login information to be viewed within specific reports.
  • Text for Log In Screen - This is the Welcome Text displayed to the left of the login box on Novus II and at the bottom of the login box on Novus III.
  • Help Text for Login screen (Novus III only) - This is the text that displays when clicking the Help link from the login screen on Novus III.
  • Login box width (pixels) - This option is only available for clients on our Classic Interface. This allows a custom login box width to be set.
  • Login box height (pixels) - This option is only available for clients on our Classic Interface. This allows a custom login box height to be set.
  • Custom login URL (for single sign-on) - This is where our Single Sign-On (SSO) URL will go if you have opened a project with TraCorp to integrate a SSO with our LMS.
  • On Log-out re-direct users to this URL - If a URL is input here, when a user logs out they will be redirected to this URL. NOTE: This URL will not be used if Hide Log Out button is active. If blank, you will be directed to the normal login screen.
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Article ID: 29

Category: Login

Date added: 27-Jun-2023 1:08pm

Views : 105

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)