How Do I Configure Leaderboards?

Leaderboards are a great way to use 'gamification' to encourage users to take training. In this article, we will discuss how to configure Leaderboards in your LMS. The leaderboard displays to all users in the LMS once activated.


  • In General Settings -> General Administration, select 'Activate Leaderboards'.
  • Once selected, this will display further configuration options for Leaderboards.
    • Hide Leaderboard from Students (used for testing) - This hides the leaderboard button from the students, but can still be access by going to your '<LMS URL>/novusiii/leaderboard' so you can test before deploying.
    • Show Leaderboards for - This setting allows you to choose which leaderboards to show for the users. Multiple leaderboards can be selected and displayed to users
      • All users - This displays the leader board and ranks the user based on all users in the platform
      • Registration Fields - You can select any number of registration fields to display a leaderboard based on that registration field to the user. This will rank the user based on users with the same value in the registration field as the user. Example: A registration field for Job Title is selected and a user who has a Job Title of District Manager will see a Leaderboard ranking them amongst other users who have District Manager set as their Job Title.
    • Rank Leaderboard By - Select how you would like the leaderboard ranked.
      • Completions - This is total completions in the LMS and will apply to all content completed by a user.
      • Credits Earned - This applies to the total number of credits earned for pieces of content taken. Credits can be set for individual pieces of content in the content's properties, on the content options tab. Example: If a user has two pieces of content assigned, one having 0 credits and one having 5; if they complete both pieces of content, they will have earned 5 credits. This is useful if you want to gamify only using specific pieces of content, and not have it apply to all content in the LMS based on completions.

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