Learning Track Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

Audience: Main Admin, Sub Admin, User Group Admin


Learning Tracks provide students with a path to accomplish a goal. It is also easier to group content and assign one Learning Track than each piece of content individually

Enabled Permissions Required to Complete the Following Steps

  • Users: Learning Tracks
  • User Groups: Learning Tracks
  • Learning Tracks

Note: If you are unable to complete the steps in this QRG, check with your Main Admin to review your Permissions.

Steps to Creating a Learning Track

  1. From Admin Navigation, click Learning Tracks.
  2. Click the Add New Learning Track tab to open the Add Learning Track window.
  3. Enter a Title.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Add key words in Tags. This will be associated with the learning track and can be used by students when searching in the LMS.
  6. Enter a number in Group Completion Credits.
  7. Select an option from the Award Badge on Completion drop-down menu if badges are used by your organization, and apply to this learning track. Badges need to be configured in General Settings.
  8. Click the Students Can Self-Assign check box to allow students to assign the track to themselves.
  9. Click the Send Notification When Content Changes check box if you want to notify students of updates.
  10. Select an email template from the Include Email Template drop-down menu if one is loaded.
  11. Click the Create News Item When Content Changes check box if you want to send news when content changes. If you select this, you must have a news template loaded and select it from the Include New Template drop-down menu.
  12. Click the Choose File button to Upload New Certificate File if you want to upload a new certificate to the system without going to the Certificates tab in Admin Navigation. The certificate will display in the Certificates tab or you can select an option from the Choose Existing Certificate drop-down menu to choose from an already uploaded certificate.
  13. Click the Assigned Content tab.
  14. In the Available Content – all content section, select the content you want included in your learning track.                                                    
  15. In the Assigned Content – this group section, enter a term in the Search field to find content to assign to this group.
  16. Click the Email Information tab.
  17. Click the Notify Student check box to send emails when students complete a learning track.
  18. Select from the Include Template (Users) drop-down menu to pick a custom template instead of the default system email. Templates have to be previously uploaded to appear here.
  19. Click the Notify Admins check box to send emails to the administrators when students complete a learning track.
  20. Select from the Include Template (Admins) drop-down menu to pick a custom template instead of the default system email. Templates have to be previously uploaded to appear here.
  21. In the Send Email To section, click the green circle next to Send Email (To) to open a list of names. Click the admin names to add for notification. You can only add one name at a time. Confirm each selection by clicking Yes.
  22. In the Copy Email To section, click the green circle next to Copy Email (To) to open a list of names. Click the admin names to add for notification. You can only add one name at a time. Confirm each selection by clicking Yes.
  23. Remove individuals from the list by double-clicking their username within the table and clicking Yes in the pop-up window.
  24. Click Save


  • If you want emails for individual content in this group, save the group then edit the learning track to select content.
  • To use a custom email template for communications, load it before creating your learning track.

Steps to Edit a Learning Track

  1. From Admin Navigation, click Learning Tracks.
  2. Click the track you want to edit then click Edit Group.
  3. Edit the Learning Tracks properties as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Steps to Delete a Learning Track

  1. From Admin Navigation, click Learning Tracks.
  2. Click the track you want to delete then click Delete Group.
  3. Click Yes on the Really Delete? pop-up box.
  4. Click Save.

Steps to Duplicate Learning Track

  1. From Admin Navigation, click Learning Tracks.
  2. Click the track you want to delete then click Delete Group.
  3. Enter a name in the Duplicate Title field on the Duplicate Learning Track pop-up.
  4. Click Save.

Best Practice

Click Show Assignments under Edit Group to get an exported spreadsheeting showing the content, user groups, and users who are assignment to a track. Refer to this to assess impact before editing a track.