General Settings — Students Tab Quick Reference Guide

Audience: Main Admin


On the Students tab, Main Admins select settings that determine what students are and are not allowed to do within the LMS.

Enabled Permissions Required to Complete the Following Steps:

  • General Settings: Student

Note: User Group Admins do not have permission to access General Settings.

Steps to Lock Profile Fields

  1. From Admin Navigation, click General Settings.
  2. Click the Students tab.
  3. Click the Lock first name field from being edited by students check box if students cannot edit their first name on the profile page.
  4. Click the Lock last name field from being edited by students check box if students cannot edit their last name on the profile page.
  5. Click the Lock email field from being edited by students check box if students cannot edit their email address on the profile page.

Steps to Allow Student Permissions

  1. From Admin Navigation, click General Settings.
  2. Click the Students tab.
  3. Click the Allow students to assign their content, if available check box if students are allowed to self-assign content listed in the entire catalog or content made available to them.
  4. Click the Users can only self-assign content that is available for their groups (unchecked = all content) check box if students can only self-assign content that is available for their user groups.
  5. Click the Allow students to print their own activity report check box if students are allowed to print their activity report from their profile page.
  6. Click the Allow students to configure their activity report settings check box if students are allowed to determine the date range and sort options for their activity report.
  7. Select Both from The Activity Report’s Content Activity setting is drop-down menu if students can see both launched and unlaunched content; otherwise, select Launched or Not Launched to limit what is displayed.
  8. Click the Allow students to print their own transcripts check box if students are allowed to print their own transcripts from their Profile page.
  9. Click the Allow students to print certificates check box if students are allowed to print their own certificates from their Profile page.
  10. Click the Allow students to view class rosters check box if students are allowed to see who else is on the roster for any classroom or webinar session.
  11. Click the Allow students to download class schedule check box if students are allowed to download a class schedule from their Profile page that lists all classes they are registered for.
  12. Click the Allow students to deactivate themselves check box if students are allowed to change their status to deactivated.
  13. Click Save Settings.

Best Practices

Lock profile fields if the fields are automatically populated or updated.

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