How to Use the Merge User Accounts Admin Tool

The Merge User Accounts Admin Tool is used when one user has two accounts and the records from one account need to be merged with another. The most common scenario we see this with is a contractor becoming an employee. In that instance, you would select the employee account as the "Master" account and the contractor account as the "Duplicate". This tool will then delete the contractor account after merging the records, leaving only the employee account with all the records.

Once the tool is selected a 'wizard' will open that will have two sections:

  • Master Account - This is where you will select the account you want to merge the records into. The account the user will be using moving forward.
  • Duplicate Account(s) - This is where you will select  the account (or accounts) you would like to merge the records from and into the master account. These account(s) will be deleted after merge.

After the accounts you want to merge are selected, click the "Merge" button at the bottom.

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