How Do I Add an Online Training Course?
In this article, we show you how to add an Online Training Course to your LMS. Online training content types allow for upload of SCORM- or AICC-compliant courses.
Where Do I Add a Piece of Content?
- On the Admin Navigation menu, select Content.
- Select Add New Content.
- This will open the Add New Content Wizard window.
- Click Next at the bottom to go to the Add Content window. This will allow you to choose the Content Type and Category(ies).
Content Type and Category
- Select Online Training from the Content Type drop-down.
- From the Tracking Type dropdown, select None, AICC, or SCORM depending on how your course is packaged.
- Under All Categories -> Category, select the Category you would like this piece of content to be stored in.
- Double-click or click the checkbox to the left of the Category to add it to the list of Categories for your content.
- Click Next at the bottom.
Upload SCORM, AICC, or Other Package
- In the Add Content window, click Browse.
- Navigate to the folder on your PC where the package is stored and select it, then click Open and upload it to the LMS.
- The files need to be in a .zip format.
- Click Next.
General Information Page
- Title - If a Title was input into your course when it was packaged, it will automatically be put into this spot. Feel free to re-title it if you want it to be displayed differently in the LMS.
- Description - Add a description of what the learner will experience in this course.
- Content Code - This is an unique value, created by you, that each piece of content has.
- Target Audience - You can list target audiences so that learners viewing this in a catalog can see if they fall within that target audience.
- Tags - This will add tags to the piece of content, allowing learners to search in the learner interface and locate the content associated with the tags.
- Est. Duration (min) - This displays an estimated duration to the learner in the learner interface so they know how long they will need to dedicate when starting the course.
- List in Content Catalog - Check this setting to allow content to be viewed in a catalog, rather than having to be directly assigned to the learner. If checking this setting, we highly suggest checking Allow Students to Self-Assign also.
- Allow Students to Self-Assign - This allows students to assign a piece of content to themselves. If checking this setting, we highly suggest checking List in Content Catalog also, to get the most out of allowing students to self-assign content.
- Show on Student Transcript - If selected, will show this content on the student's transcript.
- Allow UG Admins to Assign Content - This will make this content available to User Group Administrators who have the permissions to assign content to their user groups.
- Require a Password to Access this Content - When selected this will provide a text box for you to enter a password you select or to have a password randomly generated. The learner will have to enter this password prior to being able to launch the course.
- Content is hidden and randomly displayed - This makes the content show up randomly at a certain interval. This requires a General Setting option under the Content tab to be turned on.
Prerequisite Page
- Select any pieces of content you would like to be a prerequisite to this course.
- Learners will not be able to take the course until the prerequisites are completed.
Content Information Page
- Passing Score - This is informational only. This displays what the passing score is to the learner, but the actual passing score is set in the course itself.
- Content is Pass/Fail - If the passing score is reached, then the student gets a Pass, if not, then they get a Fail. The LMS will not display a score. It will only show if the learner passed or failed.
- User Launch Limit - Input the number of launches each learner gets. If set to 0, then the launch limit is unlimited.
- Credits - Will display an amount of credits that will be received upon completion of course. Requires the credit system to be enabled in General Settings.
- Cost - This will display a cost of the course to the learner.
- Mark Complete on Launch - Once Launch is clicked, the learner will get an automatic completion. This is primarily used for videos or documents that do not track training data.
- Exclude UG Admins from Record Entry - This will exclude this single piece of content from Record Entry for UG Admins that have permission to use the Record Entry tool.
- Auto-Archive on Completion - This will automatically move the content to the learner's archive once they have received a completion in the system.
- Award Badge on Completion - Select a badge from the drop-down to award to the learner upon completion. Badges need to be configured in General Settings.
- Ignore Auto Collapse setting - NOTE: This does not work in the Novus III interface. All content is collapsed there. If this is checked, then the content card in Novus II will default to an expanded view to show all details for this content.
- Content Terms of Use - Select a Terms of Use document that needs to be read or agreed upon for this content.
- Content is NOT mobile friendly - Displays a message to the learner that this content is not mobile friendly.
- Course is under review on TraCorp PM Site - This allows us to link the course with a project on the PM site to log comments from the LMS related to this course.
- Select one of the following options:
- Overwrite all records for this content - Every time the learner launches this content, their previous record will be overwritten with the latest.
- Lock ALL records once it has been completed - Once a completion is given in the system, the content records for this content will be locked for the learner, and will no longer update if they re-launch the content.
- Lock only completion status (complete date, completed) - This will lock the status that they have completed the content and the date on which they completed the content. However, the rest of the data sent to the LMS will be updated if they re-launch.
- Content Date Range - Use Start and End dates to limit when students will have access to content.
- Generate Completion Verification Link - When clicked will supply a link to provide to students that will give them a completion for this piece of content when clicked (user must be logged in). There are the following options for this link when it is generated:
- Start Date - This is the date you want this link to become active.
- End Date - This is the date you want this link to no longer be active.
- Max Number of Uses - The number of times this link can be used to provide a completion for this piece of content.
Mark Complete Page
- Select any content you would like to mark complete when this piece of content is completed. Another way to describe this is an equivalency.
Browser Options Page
- Bypass launch wrapper, redirect to content URL - This will ensure that, if you are launching a course that is hosted externally, we do not try to wrap the URL within your LMS's URL.
- Browser Window Options - Set specific height and width of the window the LMS opens to display the course. This should only be used if you know there are specific browser requirements needed to display the course.
Email Options Page
- Email Students - Select whether students get a completion email upon completion of this course. You can select a template for them to receive and choose to attach a certificate to the email (if you have a certificate associated with this course).
- Email Admins - Select an admin(s) that should be emailed when a student completes this course. You can select a template for them to receive and choose to attach a certificate to the email (if you have a certificate associated with the course).
Recommended Content Page
- Select any content that you feel you would like to recommend to the student after they take this course.
- The content will display under a Recommended Content button on this piece of content.
Associated Resources Page
- Select any resources that should be associated with this content.
- The content will display under an Associated Resources button on this piece of content.
Associated Dictionary Terms
- Please select dictionary terms associated with this content item. Some dictionary terms only show to students when the term is associated with a content item available to the student.
Thumbnail and Certificate Page
- Thumbnail - By default, we provide thumbnails for the various types of content in the LMS. However, if you want to upload a specific thumbnail for a piece of content, this is where you do that.
- Upload New Certificate File - If you want to upload a new certificate to the system without going to the Certificates tab in the Admin Navigation, you can do that here. The certificate will display in the Certificates tab after it is uploaded here.
- Choose Existing Certificate - Choose from a drop-down of already uploaded certificates in the system.
Content Expiration Page
- NOTE: Content Expiration must be enabled in General Settings -> Content to see this page
- Exclude from Content Expiration System - This will exclude this piece of content from the entire expiration system
- Content Expiration Time - Set the amount of time between reviews for this piece of content
- Content Author - Select a content author from the system to be notified when the content is up for review
- Users to be notified - Select any other users in the system you wish to be notified when the content comes up for review
Ratings and Review Page
- NOTE: Content Rating must be enabled within General Settings -> Content to be able to see this page.
- Allow students to rate and review once completed - If checked, this will allow the students to rate the content once they receive a completion. If it is not checked, then rating will be disabled for this content.
- Prompt after completion - If checked, a window will pop up for the learner after completion of the content asking them to rate and review.
- Don't Prompt After - This is to set a date for Prompt after completion above, so users will not be prompted every time.
Notes and Action Rules Page
- Notes - This is for administrative purposes only. Notes can be used to leave certain information about the course that other admins might find useful.
- Action Rules - This allows rules to be written to fill in a Registration Field based on completion data sent to the LMS.
Review Page
- Review all options and click Finish to complete the Add New Content wizard.